Thank You!

Brave, Bold & Beautifulbbb-banner-for-social-media was a huge success and it is evident that our community is strong, resilient, and empowered to make a difference. We encourage you to take this momentum and apply your passion to no longer tolerate rape culture and sexual assault. Each of us can do our part to take a stand, whether that be through volunteering your time, speaking out against social injustice, or donating to fund programs like MESA that will fight on behalf of the community to eradicate  the presence of sexual violence.

Melissa Rumsey with Shiff Dance Collective

In the days to come, we look to the support of our community more than ever. Thank you to those who were able to donate and contribute to our mission at the 10th annual Brave, Bold & Beautiful. We simply could not thrive without your support. If you were unable to join us and would like to help make a difference, please consider a gift of a donation. Such donations go to fund our programming, including primary prevention education, in-person advocacy, and bilingual client services.

Thank you to the artists for collaborating and embracing our mission through your performances: Peter Garland, Andrew Sturtz, Alexis Cooley, Art as Action, Cooper Braun, Teresa Storch, and Schiff Dance Collective.


And lastly, but certainly not least, thank you to our community for joining us and coming together to stand in solidarity as we move to end sexual assault.
~The MESA Team

MESA staff: Martha Hawkinson, Amanda Brookman, Camilo Casas, Janine D’Anniballe, Gosia Pastusiak, Claire Cuthbert, Kelly Poirier