MESA is pleased to spotlight Holly as our August Volunteer of the Month. Holly is an invaluable part of our volunteer team. Holly has always been such a willing volunteer and makes every effort to participate in everything we do. Thank you, Holly, for your dedication to MESA and our community!

Let’s hear from Holly!

  1. What do you enjoy most about volunteering with MESA?
    I love the community that we have. Everyone is so caring and supportive that I know if I ever had an issue I could go to anyone and instantly feel better.
  2. How long have you been with MESA?
    About 6 or 7 months now!
  3. What’s your personal theme song?
    I would have to say “Flawless” by Beyonce. I think it gives a lot of empowerment to women which I try to do every day and come on, we’re all flawless!
  4. What is your biggest accomplishment to date?
    I would say everything that MESA has given me. Signing up to be a volunteer and now being an intern and Super Group Leader. I love all the responsibilities I have and am very proud of the work that I do.
  5. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
    I would want to heal. This is the work that I try to do daily, but it is usually automatic. Although pain is important to grow, there are many things I wish I could heal immediately.
  6. Who is your role model?
    My grandmother is my biggest role model. She raised me to be the person I am and has overcome more than I could imagine.

Interested in becoming a MESA volunteer? Apply today!