MESA is pleased to spotlight Gabby as our Volunteer of the Month. Gabby is an invaluable part of our volunteer team. Gabby has always been such a willing volunteer and makes every effort to participate in everything we do. Thank you, Gabby, for your dedication to MESA and our community! Let’s hear from Gabby! It really was a no brainer for me to choose to get involved in my community, and to be a part of changing the culture of sexual assault, an issue that has become so pervasive in our global community. I chose to get involved with MESA because there are simply too many “me too’s” in the world. It’s all around us, and more often more than not, we are naïve about how prevalent the issue is within the network of people that are a part of our lives. Attention has been called to the issue of sexual violence, but not enough. And too often, the matter is forgotten in the fast pace of life, when there isn’t a global story bringing it to attention. Survivors don’t have the luxury of being able to forget. Talking is important, but it’s not sufficient. Everyone needs to be held accountable for their actions, and that includes the responsibility of being involved in changing an issue that should be unacceptable. I have been with MESA now for a year and a half, and I have loved every minute of my role in supporting survivors. MESA not only strives to provide security and support for survivors, but also works to create a safe place in the community for both survivors and volunteers alike. Sexual assault is relevant to every single persons life, in one way or another, and it should be something every person wants to take part in changing. Survivors shouldn’t owe telling their story to attempt aiding change. There isn’t a day I don’t love being there to support survivors, whether that is through counseling or just being there to listen. But, the reality is, my job shouldn’t have to exist, and I hope there is a day in the near future where no more “me too’s” are added to the list, and where no one should have to fear being violated. Interested in becoming a MESA volunteer? Apply today! |
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