MESA is pleased to spotlight Liesy as our June Volunteer of the Month. Liesy is an invaluable part of our volunteer team. Liesy has always been such a willing volunteer and makes every effort to participate in everything we do. Thank you, Liesy, for your dedication to MESA and our community!

Let’s hear from Liesy!

[lightbox link=”” thumb=”×300.jpg” width=”243″ align=”left” title=”Liesy G 06.17″ frame=”true” icon=”image” caption=””]I have only been with Mesa since March and working on the hotline since May, so [being chosen as volunteer of the month] came as a complete surprise to me. I am very grateful, but, truth be told, I am just glad to help in any way I can. The real joy of working at MESA for me is the tangible difference volunteers make by just being there and working with all people who are affected by the sexual assault epidemic of our world. Being an advocate for community members and teaching my friends and loved ones about how to tangibly make a difference, instead of just hoping for someone else to combat sexual assault, is what makes me want to keep doing more.

As it is for all of us, sexual assault has an intrinsic influence on my life. I have been doing advocacy work informally with my friends and family for years. As I am sure all volunteers have experienced, I’ve been thanked by strangers for just showing up at events and helping with such a difficult subject; It really puts this work in perspective. Donating a little time every month is not that much effort for me, and I am excited and happy to do anything to help heal and expand how MESA helps survivors and creates open dialogue with the community.

It feels a little strange being such a newcomer and being thanked for the work that so many have done before me, but it shows how much everyone needs MESA. Given our current political climate, it’s even more rewarding to give any extra help I can to an organization that is indirectly under attack by ignorance and fear. We [volunteers] all do such great work by holding space for pain, and creating an environment where people can get the help they need, subsequently creating a ripple effect through our own personal spheres of influence. I am honored and glad to be doing work that makes such a difference to even one person’s life. That’s what it’s about for me, just being there for one person.

Interested in becoming a MESA volunteer? Apply today!