On March 19, 2014 MESA will be co-sponsoring a second free training for Law Enforcement on The neurobiology of trauma featuring speaker Dr. Janine D’Anniballe with Boulder County District Attorney’s Office, Mental Health Partners, Longmont Police Department and the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office.
When MESA asked Dr. Janine D’Anniballe why she was participating in this free training on the neurobiology of trauma to law enforcement, she responded,
For survivors of sexual assault who choose to report, positive, trauma-informed interactions with law enforcement are a crucial component and strong predictor of the ease of that survivor’s healing process. This training will provide law enforcement with an explanation of the effect of trauma on the brain so that they can better understand the behavior and choices of the survivors with whom they work. The training also offers strategies for working with survivors in a way that enhances both the quality of evidence for the investigation and the experience of survivors within the criminal justice system. “
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