A Resource Guide For Personal Safety On Campus For Incoming Freshmen

For parents and students, July signals the last full summer month of vacation before taking a large and important step into adulthood: leaving home and attending college, possibly far away from their families.

Sadly, the possibilities and realities of sexual violence on campus can sometimes dampen and cast a shadow on this monumental experience for both incoming and current students. To help better prepare parents and students, MESA would like to provide our readers with several helpful links for researching the safety and resources of campuses nationwide.

The U.S. News & World Report has published an article on how parents and students can begin researching campus safety (they do more than provide college and university rankings!). Follow this link to read this helpful posting.

The U.S Department of Education has a website dedicated to publishing crime statistics from offences ranging to bike theft to stalking, can be found here.

It is also recommended that parents and students familiarize themselves with the Jeanne Clery Act, the federal law requiring universities and colleges to publicize their crime statistics and provide safety on campuses for students, the “Student’s Right To Know”. The law and advocacy center of the same name can be found here

The Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network has statistics and a state-by-state guide of resource centers for survivors and their friends and families. Follow this link.

For those staying local, the CU Office of Victim Assistance is the go-to source for resources and services on all crime matters, found here.

Individual campuses also have their own offices of victim assistance and advocacy for students. These centers will also have available information on campus safety and appropriate campus and community resources. There are also student groups and clubs dedicated to combating gender violence and creating environments free of sexual violence. Look them up and/or join up with them if interested!

This is not meant to incite fear or paranoia, nor imply that sexual violence is inevitable. Rather, MESA strives to provide information and resources to stay informed.Advocacy and awareness are necessary components in our battle to end sexual violence within our community and as a partner nationwide.

MESA wishes you/your students a safe and fun college experience!